WHO Representative Hands Over Medicines - Kenya

WHO Representative Hands Over Medicines - Kenya

Nairobi, 6 November 2007 -- The WHO Representative to Kenya, Dr. David Okello handed over to the new Minister for Health, Hon. Paul Sang medicines for Mass Drug Administration (MDA) for Lymphatic Filariasis. The Permanent Secretary of Health, Dr. Hezron Nyangito and the Director of Medical Services, Dr. James Nyikal accompanied the Minister for Health at the ceremony which took place in the compound of the Ministry of Health Headquarters, Afya House. The drugs aimed at treating 1.9 million people in Coast Province are valued at Kenya shillings 1.5 million. Dr. Okello also handed over 4 vehicles to support Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response. The double cabin vehicles are valued at Kenya shillings 12.4 million.

Kenya is one of the 80 countries worldwide at risk of Lymphatic Filariasis. WHO estimates that over 120 million people worldwide are affected by Lymphatic Filariasis disease, and in Kenya the disease is restricted to the Coast Province where over 3 million people are at risk of infection. Kenya has been implementing the programme for elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis since 2002. The fourth round of Mass Drug Administration scheduled for November this year will be scaled up to cover five districts from the previous three.

Concerning the vehicles for surveillance, the WHO Representative underscored the importance of controlling disease outbreaks. He was pleased that WHO had supported the Ministry of Health to put in place an effective disease surveillance system in Kenya. WHO provided a fleet of 12 surveillance vehicles to the Ministry to support this important function. Although polio surveillance improved significantly since 2001 and the country attained the polio free certification indicators since 2003, to achieve polio free certification status Kenya must remain vigilant to detect any cases of polio that may be imported. Dr. Okello in his handing over remarks noted that the 4 additional vehicles will further strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Health to sustain surveillance in detection and prompt response to emergencies and disease outbreaks.

The Minister for Health, Hon. Paul Sang expressed gratitude for the support from WHO. He said that the Ministry of Health was committed to promoting and ensuring of integrated and high quality health care services to all Kenyans. Hon. Sang emphasized the importance of a functional surveillance system that will ensure a timely, disease detection and response that will reduce human suffering and death. He said that he will ensure the Ministry of Health identifies resources to support maintenance of these vehicles. Some of the outbreaks the Ministry responded to in the recent past include Rift Valley Fever, Cholera, Measles, Polio and Aflatoxicosis.

The Minister was pleased to note that through the support of WHO and the Global Alliance for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis over 9 million of tablets of Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) and 3 million tablets of Albenadazole had been donated. He was pleased that towards the MDA for Lymphatic Filariasis for November 2007, the Ministry has received over nearly 5 million tablets of DEC and over one million tablets of Albenadazole. Hon. Sang assured the WHO Representative that the Ministry will ensure the vehicles are put to good use to improve the health of the people of Kenya.

Others present at the handing over ceremony included, Head of Division of Disease Prevention and Response, Dr. Charles Nzioka, Chief Pharmacist, Dr. Fred Siyoi, Senior Ministry of Health Staff, WHO Technical Staff, and the Media.

For more information, please contact:

WHO Representative/Kenya
ACK Garden House Building, off Bishops Road
1st Ngong Avenue
P.O.Box 45335, 00100 GPO
Tel: (254-20) 2717902, 2718285
Fax: (254-20) 2719141, 2719142

Email:wrkenya [at] ke.afro.who.int" target="_blank">wrkenya [at] ke.afro.who.int